**disclaimer: i made this a major because im not able to run nodejs integration. if im barking up the wrong tree ill delete this paragraph and set it to normal**

i want to add realtime comms to an apache2 virtual server hosting drupal.

my index.php is stored in a sub-folders beneath the domain folder at absolute filepath /home/public_html/vhost_name

whats the correct message path for this setup? i read somewhere it needs to be changed

default: messagePath: '/nodejs/message'

if assertions ive seen online are correct, what form would this need to take:

1. messagePath: '/home/public_html/vhost_name/nodejs/message'
2. messagePath: '/public_html/vhost_name/nodejs/message'
or 3. messagePath: /vhost_name/nodejs/message'

or 4. leave it as default?

also: the browser UI says this needs a / after message, but default doesnt come with one? confusing...



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Title: correct configuration for a virtual host » what is correct configuration for apache virtual server?