I have my Drupal site running on both, staging and production server. I make all the changes on staging and push them on the production server using GIT. Currently, I have to override the database.
I am looking for an alternative where I can upload the database from staging to production without overriding it on production server. I do not wish to use any modules.
Is there a way this can be achieved using some tools or GIT/Drush commands?


Jaypan’s picture

It depends whether you're migrating content or configuration. You can migrate configuration with Drush: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/configuration-management/workflow-using-drush

You can migrate content with the Migrate API: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-api-overview

stutibhavsar’s picture

Thank you for your feedback!

I have tried config-export and import but it is not updating the database completely.
I have to manually add/edit/delete the content/fields/taxonomy. The views do get updated.

I have development server on Pantheon. I create a new environment on it and pull down a multisite in Kalabox. I make the changes in Kalabox. In terminal, I perform config-export, add the files, commit and push back to Pantheon environment. After pushing, I do config-import from Admin>Configuration>Development>Configuration Synchronization.

After testing the development server, when I merge it with production, I have to drop and update the database. I do not wish to do that. I just want to merge the changes in the database without overriding or dropping the existing database.

Not sure if I am missing anything.

VM’s picture

per https://www.drupal.org/node/643758 please edit your post and move it to the 'post installation' forum. Thank you.