Hi, I was trying to understand what is the difference between a view i created on

Home > Administration > Structure > Views


Home > Administration > Structure > Views > example_views.

Because inside the example_views, i can create 3 kind of displays.
I've been looking over and dont find it. Also i dont know what keyword to write on google to search about this problem.

second question.
If i want to show multiple differnect views, should i use the second one? Here's what i want to create

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I understand how to show multiple views (using blocks way) on one page. what i dont understand is, how do i make them become 3 column. I am using bootstrap theme. I've tried to put col-sm-4 on the wrapper, but it wrap the <ul> only, not the parent which is the <article> tag

Thanks in advance.
And im using D 8.


John_B’s picture

A view has a basic setup, then a series of displays to print that setup to a page, or a block, or an RSS feed, or some other format. The display can take the bare bones of the master setup, and tweak it for each kind of output. You always need at least one display on top of the master view. When you come to set up a similar view you can either make a new view, or you can add a new display to the existing view, and adjust some of its settings.

These are broad questions. Rather than writing new tutorials I will tell you where to find tutorials. On the first quesiton, the best reources are
1. The official documentation for Views, https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/core/modules/views/add-a-display-to-a-view and see other links on the right of the page.
2. The book Drupal's Building Blocks: written for an earlier version of Drupal but still good.
3. The video series Taming the Beast: written for an earlier version of Drupal but still good.
4. Paid training videos from leading providers such as drupalize.me and buildamodule.com.

There is a lot in Views so it takes a long time to learn it all.

The second question is not a Views a question, it is a question of how to place blocks in three columns. To do that you either need to write a theme which does that, or you need find one. I cannot really write a whole tutorial on how to make a three-column tempate in your theme. There are may be ready-made themes which do this out of the box, as there are for Wordpress, though on the whole Drupal is an enterprize product used by teams who will have a front end developer and will prefer to create their own theme, so out of the box themes are not common.

There is an alternative way to make layouts, (i.e. other than in the theme). It is to use Panels module, which takes over layouts from the theme. Again you will need tutorials. The book in point 2 above covers it, and if you search for Drupal Panels tutorials you should find more recent explanations too. The Panopoly distribution of Drupal comes with the Panels module already set up.

Learning Drupal is not quick and easy. It is fun and is worth the time and effort if you are building larger or more complex sites where you need the flexibility and extra features which are not found in Drupal's simpler competitors.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

rgalaxy’s picture

Hi John, Thanks for your reply.

Alright, i will take a look on the tutorials. I've been digging myself into youtube tutorials about views thou, its just nobody cover how to put different view into 1 page with equal width 3 columns.. (they always covering 1 view with 3 different columns)

I though it was possible to do it within a view setting. And here i read your answer to my second question.
So basically, if it's about theme, i need to do something with my_theme.theme and try to print each of these view on my page--front.html.twig?

Yeah it was hard for me to learn drupal as im not expert in PHP and also still stuck a lot in .theme file.
But thanks for the links ! I will check it out.