Hi guys...I am really getting frustrated with this. In my theme I have a script file that is working. I am adding a new function to deal with some div but nothing happen. Cleared the cache...tried different things...nothing is working.

The following code is working perfectly fine when tested in jsfiddle, but in my site...nothing at all.

html code output:

<div class="cal-full">
<a href="/race/charlton-park-winter-monster-race-10k-2016-11-12">title</a>
<div id="cal-events-tooltip-4734" class="cal-events-tooltip cal-events-tooltip_hide">
   <h4 class="cal-entry-title summary"><a href="/race/event">title</a></h4>
   <div class="cal-event-body">
      <div class="cal-event-thumb">
       <div class="cal-event-description"><p>dsfdsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdfs</p></div>	
      <span class="tribe-events-arrow"></span>

in my js script:

$(document).ready(function () {

	$(".cal-full").mouseover(function() {

    $(".cal-full").mouseout(function() {




Any help will be appreciated.


hiramanpatil’s picture


Are you getting any error in console? Share the screenshot if any.

thegreatone’s picture

Thank you for replying. for some reason, it started to work...not sure what I have changed, but it is working now! Thanks anyway.