I'm trying something new with any type of content in my website
For example... actually if I enter to any node of my website, the info displayed is only:

- Header (Title)
- Navigation Bar
- Node Content
- Footer

I want to introduce sidebar right & left blocks when a user access to a node content of any type of content
There is an option on blocks that "allows" the block to show on specific type of content, for example Articles, but when I select the option my block just dissapear, it is no longer displaying in any part of my website, neither in the nodes of type Article, that is where I set it.

I don't know if I have to modify something on my node.tpl.php of my theme to allow this feature?


ruggestrong’s picture

tommy160593’s picture

thanks I'll give a check

VM’s picture

DS isn't needed for the above but a great tool to have. If the block once set to a content type is disappearing, it makes me wonder if the region you've placed the block in is available on the content type. Do you have sidebars? if no, that's where you need to start. You need to add sidebar regions to the theme in question.

tommy160593’s picture

Yes I have sidebars, actually I have a lot of regions, and for example the sidebars on block config, are enabled to display in any page of the site, except the ones I type on the text-area... but this doesn't displays nothing when accessing to a content node, as I said it doesn't display anything.
On other pages my container has the sidebars, content-top, content, and other regions to show, but on content node container only displays "content" of the node.

If you have a few minutes this is my website: http://www.tommyvercettimx.com
check out the 3 sections on my main navigation bar menu, you'll release that all this section displays sidebars
but accessing a content just for example this: http://www.tommyvercettimx.com/node/65 no sidebars are displayed, that's why I need. I wonder the problem is coming from node.tpl.php of my theme?

VM’s picture

"On other pages my container has the sidebars, content-top, content, and other regions to show, but on content node container only displays "content" of the node."

Which would then make me look at any custom.tpl.php files that are overrding the core page.tpl.php or node.tpl.php Reviewing your site won't help with how the tpl.phps are working. I see you are utilizing a contrib theme but it doesn't look like you generated a subtheme which is risky.

What you do now to determine if the issue is theme specific, is you switch to a core theme. Do blocks then work as expected? if yes, then you're issue is with the theme in use or a customization you made to it.

tommy160593’s picture

yeah you're right, using another theme from the core works good, the sidebar is displayed, so I guess is the customization, i'm gonna check it

tommy160593’s picture

thanks man actually after a lot of attemps, finally I solved it selecting show ons specific pages and adding 'node/*' on the text area