Braintree API supports using a combined expiration date field.
Maybe there's a way to use one of Commerce's byzantine alter hooks to make this change - someone point me to that if you know it.

If not, this request is to add a setting on the payment method form to switch between 2-fields and 1-field.


aaronbauman created an issue.

bojanz’s picture

Why would it matter?
A setting doesn't make sense, either we decide that the combined field is desirable for $reasons and implement it, or we keep the old behavior.

AaronBauman’s picture

why would it matter?

Braintree offers an API to do one or the other, and shouldn't we leave that decision up to site admins or developers?

It doesn't need to be a UI setting -- we can be opinionated about what the default should be.
But we should allow contrib to alter the form to leverage the features of Braintree API.