The geolocation module (somebody else's) does not reference my mapping_uk module or vice versa, and yet this happens when doing 'drush cr':

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method Drupal\mapping_uk\UKMappingCode::getViewsFieldData() in /Library/WebServer/Documents/my_project/modules/geolocation/ on line 20

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Drupal\mapping_uk\UKMappingCode::getViewsFieldData() in /Library/WebServer/Documents/my_project/modules/geolocation/ on line 20
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.                                             [error]
Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\mapping_uk\UKMappingCode::getViewsFieldData() in
/Library/WebServer/Documents/my_project/modules/geolocation/, line 20

There must be some logical explanation that I'm missing here. Any ideas how to debug this?


This is


 * @file
 * Provide views data for geolocation.module.

use Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface;

 * Implements hook_field_views_data().
 * Views integration for taxonomy_term_reference fields.
 * Adds a term relationship to the default field data.
 * @see field_views_field_default_views_data()
function geolocation_field_views_data(FieldStorageConfigInterface $field_storage) {
  // User the geofield service to get the views data.
  return \Drupal::service('geolocation.core')->getViewsFieldData($field_storage);


Jaypan’s picture

You should open up a bug report in the module issue queue.