Drupal 7.54

Trying to add another item on text field in content type with 30 fields

Notice: Undefined index: #ajax in ajax_form_callback() (line 395 of /includes/ajax.inc).

Help please? Anybody?


maximkashuba’s picture

it's fault of jquery_update alpha4 version. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2860158

webmasterarbez’s picture

Send me your email so I can buy you a beer! or vodka!

hdepereda’s picture

Thank you!

sano’s picture

I read the discussion in the link referred above, but the problem persists. Could this error be caused by incorrect implementation of Ajax functionality in a custom module I am developing? I made sure to update to the latest version jQuery update, as well as increase the max_input_vars value in php.ini. None of that helped, so I suspect I have a coding issue, but have no idea how to debug it (just learning drupal ajax functionality).