Hi all, again sorry if this question is vague and, again, I feel I must say I am new to Drupal and have been thrown in the deep end.

I've been given a task to modify a module to make it work with Paragraphs. To give some context, presently the module simply takes a dynamic number of images and renders them in a HTML layout. You use this module by adding it as a component to a region or pane. My goal is to extend the functionality of this by also allowing the user to add this as a Paragraph type.

As for how I go about this, well I'm not really sure where to even start.

At this point I'm pretty desperate. Googling reveals a lot of information about how to use the Paragraphs module on the back end, but not anything about how to combine a module with it.

I apologise for being vague, but honestly this is all the info I've got. Any advice or links to resources is appreciated!


Jaypan’s picture

You'll need to extend your module to use the Field API. You can then add that field to paragraph entities.