
I’d like to set up a view with a contextual filter for articles based on [content:title] in the url.
e.g.: domain.com/category/[content:title]

It works fine as long as I don’t have any german special characters like ö, ü, or ä.
Those letters are transformed by pathauto ö -> oe, ü -> ue and ä -> ae

When I have a node with a title e.g. “äpfel” the url would be: domain.com/fruits/aepfel
Now the contextual filter doesn’t work anymore, because it tries to match the untransformed title “äpfel”

Is it possible to use the transformed url-title (aepfel) in a contextual filter?
Are there any other solutions?

Thank you!


nullpointer0815’s picture

I found the answere: [content:ID] instead of [content:title] as contextual filter.
ID can be used even if the ID is not printed in the alias url