
Just enabled Let's Encrypt on some shared hosting-based Drupal 7 website, now I can load site with https://, but Firefox complains that some content is not secure. I discovered that links to internal images inside node body are note https!

I have base_url changed to https://..., Pathologic filter is enabled (as it was lot's of years before SSL support), but relative paths within Node body such as <a href="/sites/default/files/2017/something.jpg are not rendered as absolute https://..., but as absolute http:/... .

Is this bug in Pathologic, or I miss some configuration?


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Sounds like you have a base path set to : http:// ?

Otherwise relative paths should not be interpreted like this by the browser. Check your settings.php and the markup of the page, if there is something like this here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_base.asp

I like cookies!

Talkless’s picture

Looks like base_url was not actually changed, most likely because I forgot to change settings.php write permissions, FileZilla failed to upload locally edited file (this is not the first time actually).

Sorry for bothering, it works now.