Hello Every One

I was working on a simple company website and I come across the following problem.
The website I am working on has its own company home page and there are a couple of branches of the company in different locations.

What I want to do is to add specific home pages with (about / contact us and other menus) for each branches of the company which will be displayed when each of the branches is accessed .

I will be looking for any help . Thank you In advance.


imenitinkaushik90’s picture

You can create separate menus and can create separate menu items in each menu.

Create specific pages for different branch as per your requirement.

Go to block section and add the respective menu block to respective page path.

Its all done.
For your convenience you can follow the structured url like -
www.example.com -- for main website
www.example.com/branch1 --- for 1st branch
www.example.com/branch1/about-us ---- for about us page of 1st branch

amandap’s picture

Go to Structure > Menus and create separate menus for each page.

Then use blocks to output the menu depending on the page:
