There was a complete workflow for a community review process of special community contributions of organizations to get a "Featured Providers" flag.

The following cite is taken from an old revision of the "Services listing guide":

Featured providers

Featured providers is a premium section where we list companies which have exceptional community contributions. This is our way to say "Thank you" and recognize their continuous support of the Drupal project and its community.

To get listed in the Featured providers section:

  1. Complete steps 1 to 4(5) above.
  2. Go to your company's issue - leave a comment with request to be promoted to Featured section and edit the issue title to "Promote YOURCOMPANYNAME to Featured".

Which companies will be promoted to Featured listing?
While all companies listed in the Marketplace contribute to Drupal in some way, we feature only companies which go above and beyond in their contributions and do it repeatedly, during a prolonged period of time, and in a variety of ways. We need to see your work in the issue queues and forums, out in the Drupal community, and your code/documentation contributions to the project. When requesting inclusion as a featured contributor please show us how awesome you are. Contributions are measured in many ways but ultimately it is a human decision making process.

We strongly recommend that you create /drupalgive page and add drupalgive feed to Drupal Planet. For more information on this initiative please see

Moderation: Community members will review your request and if successful - add your company to the "Featured providers" listing. To communicate with moderators use your company's issue, link to which you can see at the top of your organization's page.

This Marketplace section and the public visibility of this flag on organization profiles was removed when the new "Issue Credit" System was implemented. As far as I know there was no community discussion about. One year ago I already suggested to use this "Featured" Flag as sorting criteria additional to issue credits in a comment of the related Issue: #1975074: Change how sort ordering works on /drupal-services

Until there is no solution to "credit" community contributions outside of issues and sponsorships reactivating the "Featured Providers" workflow is an easy to reactivate. The old service provider issues can be used to restore the flag data when not available anymore on organization profiles. Using this flag as part of the "Marketplace ranking algorithm" is just a minor change.


C_Logemann created an issue. See original summary.

hestenet’s picture

Noting here that the underlying field which marks an organization as 'featured' still exists on org profiles with all historical data. As far as using this flag value in the ranking algorithm - it is a bit ephemeral what it would represent, but I suppose that's part of the idea: capturing 'contributions other than issues, sponsorship, case studies, and projects supported.'

drumm’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

The volunteer review process was unfortunately slow and inconsistent. While we have the data, I wouldn’t say it is high-quality.

Crediting everything is impossible, see also #2649100: Improve contribution statistics on user and organization profiles. We have to draw the line of good enough somewhere, and periodically make it better. Where exactly would you draw the line of types of contribution tracked being better-quality than the old “featured” process?

contributions outside of issues and sponsorships

There are already 2 more factors than that, see

C-Logemann’s picture

Thank you @hestenet and @drumm for your replies. I'm very interested in this discussion but need to postpone because I'm currently organizing the DrupalCamp Frankfurt in April.