I am deleting old users and before I do this I change the author of the nodes to user 1.
I made an action "change author to usernameAdmin(1)". When I perform this action on nodes Drupal deletes the taxonomyterms of the nodes.
It´s doing this also when I perform an URL Alias update (delete and bulk generate).
Is this a bug? Am i doing something wrong?

And btw: is there a possibility to bulk-delete users or ANYTHING? When I hit the "check all" Box in an overview (users or nodes) it´s only taking the users /nodes on page 1. I mean... 16k users result in 320 pages....
I used the delete-all module but I am a bit afraid this is not the supposed way.




Synflag’s picture

I realised that drupal don´t shows the terms when I hit edit.This might be caused by a wrong migration (d6->D8)
I saw that in my node__"taxonomyfield" (it is node__collectiontype)- Table is no data about th taxonomy term. When I manually set the term in editmode to a "collectiontype"-term it shows:

bundle The field instance bundle to which this row belong…	
deleted A boolean indicating whether this data item has be…	
entity_id The entity id this data is attached to	
revision_id The entity revision id this data is attached to	
langcode The language code for this data item.	
delta The sequence number for this data item, used for m…	
collectiontype_target_id The ID of the target entity.

collections - 0 - 1453 -1453 - en - 0 -20

where 1453 is my NID and 20 the TID.

I should now be able to collect data from a taxonomy-table and insert them in this table?
Someone know something about this? Maybe other tables where data is stored and so on?
