Good day.

The problem is: when you click on the password recovery link, the user gets to your personal home page, bypassing the opportunity to create a new password. Yes, there is a tab "edit", but then again - there to change the password you need to enter the old. I tried to recover from an administrator - all right: two fields, enter the new password and confirm it.

The reference in the letter to the recovery token generated by [user:one-time-login-url]

Help me please.


Jaypan’s picture

Sounds like your system has a redirect somewhere that is redirecting away from the user edit page. You'll need to find that - maybe you've got the Rules module doing something, or some code has a redirect in it.

bsc-man’s picture

Thank you, Jaypan, you have put me on the right idea!
Just like you said - it has been established redirection.