I was installing some modules in Drupal 7.  Suddenly, the helpful buttons across the top for admin mode disappeared.  Can anyone tell me what happened and what I have to do?

I am able to go to {website}/admin and essentially see the same buttons on the page that, I guess, I would see across the top of the page, but I wonder if I am missing out on some functionality.

But even if I still have the functionality, I still can not find the place where I can install new modules, and the system is telling me I need the "views" module to view some content I need to manage.


John_B’s picture

Not unusual, in my experience, if you are using the Admin Menu module (which adds dropdown menus to the core Drupal admin toolbar, which has no dropdown menus).
First thing to try is clearing caches. In case the lack of admin menu makes it difficult to find the 'clear caches' button, it is at /admin/config/development/performance

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

xarzu’s picture

Thanks for your help.

I went to /admin/config/development/performance and I clicked the button to clear the cache. Was I supposed to log out and log back in or reboot? There was not any difference.

I did not find an Admin Menu module in the list of modules to disable.

What do I heed to have enabled in the modules to view these buttons across the top?  Is it called "dashboard"?

The module that the system asked me to install is called "views". I think maybe this will help. But I need to know how to install a module without using the system buttons. Can you help with this? You know the path to the page to clear the cache. What is the url path to the page to install a module?

VM’s picture

Is the admin menu included in the lost of modules at all? Modules can be uploaded to the sites/all/modules folder via your hosts file manager or FTP.

John_B’s picture

No need to log out & log in again after clearing caches. We might as well admit that Drupal, for all its strengths, is not the best tool out there for building a managing a site through the browser (rather than from command line, which requires a different set of skills which are worth learning if you have the time and inclination). For more practical help see VM's comment.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

xarzu’s picture

You are not going to believe this but I actually fixed this. So, I figured out that all the modules are located /sites/all/modules. I figured I would try stepping completely back at zero and back up and remove all these modules by FTP. No, the system hated this and complained as the image below. I will just post the link since the long warning messages appearing on the main page is too ugly.

So I put all the modules back.

Then I looked at a different web site I had that actually worked. I found the admin_menu module there, to my surprise and I ftp loaded it into my non working site. I went in to the modules page on the new unworking site, enabled the admin menu options and, presto, the problem is solved.
