Please ignore now, i have the Jssor slider it installs easily

Hi, I have added the Imagefield Slideshow plugin to my modules (drupal 8.2.5).

In the site I have the library here


with the jquery.cycle.all.js file in the jquery.cycle folder.

I also have colorbox there too and colorbox is seen but the jquery.cycle is not seen. I cannot install the Imagefield Slideshow as I get this error "Install jquery.cycle library Follow instructions on module page. Check 'Installation' section on the drupal.orgs module page. "

The instructions said:
1. Create a libraries directory on your drupal instance's root folder.
2. Create a directory within libraries named jquery.cycle.
3. Download the latest version of the jQuery Cycle plugin ( place it inside the jquery.cycle directory. The filename should be: jquery.cycle.all.js

I thought I did it right since the colorbox library is seen but maybe I didn't. What folder should it go in?

I also saw these instructions. I'm sorry but I'm clueless on how to do this.

1. Do a composer update from the module folder.
$composer update
which will get the cycle library to imagefield slideshow modules vendor directory.
2. Enable the Imagefield Slideshow module from the modules page.
3. You should now see a new field formatter for image fields, Ex: under Manage display section of content types

Or tell me about another plugin that will setup an image slideshow (not a view)

Sorry put this in the wrong area, hopefully it's in the right one now.

Thanks for any help.


Jaypan’s picture

This section is not for questions on module configuration, you want the Post Installation section of the forum. You can move the thread by editing the original post and changing the forum.

IAmThatStrangeMe’s picture

But where do I put it? I cannot see a forum about modules............I maybe be missing it but it would have been nice of you to mention where to put it... or does this mean no help.

Jaypan’s picture

Sorry, that little bit of information would have been helpful. The forum you want is Post Installation.

IAmThatStrangeMe’s picture

Ha didn't think that the name was "Post installation". Thought you meant posting about installation.

Got it moved, thanks!