It would be really useful to have a UI tool for testing migration process configuration on the fly.

At the moment, when something goes wrong with processing, you have to tweak the config file, do config-devel-import, run a migration again, watch it fail, repeat.

I am thinking a UI that has a form that lets you specify:
- the migration ID
- a single source ID to try to import
- a text area into which to paste process YML configuration

It's possible to pass process configuration to a migration on the fly, like this:

  $migration_id = 'mymigration';

  $manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.config_entity_migration');
  $migration = $manager->createInstance($migration_id);

// This is anything that could go under 'process:' in a migration config file:
  $process_yaml = <<<EOT
type: field_foo/0/value
  $process = [
    "type" => "field_section/0/value",
  $process = \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse($process_yaml);


  $log = new Drupal\migrate_tools\DrushLogMigrateMessage();
  $executable = new Drupal\migrate_tools\MigrateExecutable($migration, $log, []);

  $source = $migration->getSourcePlugin();

  $row = $source->current();

The second output of $row shows the processed data in its destination property.


joachim created an issue. See original summary.

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