i have a content type called EVENT... image and text and a boolean which set the event for members only or not.

then i have a view, a grid of the events... pics and trimmed text. my goal is to mark a few images on the grid... with a caption , something like: "MEMBERS ONLY" image.
to do that i've set a boolean field on the content type.. which should trigger the image visibility.

now... i haven't realized yet what's the best way to do that.

i am trying with dependencies to make the image-flag visible... but actually this is going to work in node... but not on view grid.

i am wondering if there is some kind of caption system that can be triggered by a boolean or something like that
otherwise i guess i should trigger the flag-image with a dependency and then move it over the event picture with a CSS.... quite difficult anyway.

i need a module to have a field to render the flag-members-only image which always render the same thing.. i guess some kind of custom html field.. or something like that. but i haven't found one.

i m quite confused at the moment
or maybe i m tired

any idea?


andzejsw’s picture

Use "Views Conditional".
Using that you will be able to configure condition for this case ;)

vladimirkomarek’s picture

and i am trying to do it with dependencies
but doesnt really work
i set up VISIBLE field when boolean checked and invisible when boolean not checked
but the caption pop up everytime..
i also tried setting up dependencies with enabled and disabled. same result.

now let me check this views conditional

vladimirkomarek’s picture


- i installed imagecache actions to add watermark to imagestyles
- i created in the view grid 2 different versione of the image -> 1 with watermark, 1 without it
- set them both to exclude from display
- i added conditional views to the view and set the image version #1 visible if the boolean was 1 and the version#2 visible if boolean was 0

quite complicated but worked like charm without any code intervention or multilanguages troubles

plus: the imagecache watermark is perfect and there was no need to make an intervention with css

now i need to fix the thing on node-level