Hey Drupallers! I've been out of the game for a while, and never worked with Drupal 8. Things have changed a lot.

I've got a basic site that's working fine locally in MAMP under PHP 5.6, but when I moved it to the webhost (also on 5.6), I'm getting this error in my logs when attempting to load user/login:

PHP Error: Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Component\\Plugin\\Exception\\InvalidDeriverException: "Plugin (views_view) deriver "\\Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\Derivative\\ViewsLocalTask" does not exist." at /home/public/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator.php line 208, referer: http://mysite.com/admin/reports/updates

I'm not sure if the double-backslashes in there are the cause of not, but I suspect there's some PHP config option that differs between my local and the host. Since magic quotes are no longer a thing, is there something similar that I should be looking for? Or am I completely misjudging the root cause here?


sprite’s picture

With Drupal 8, your best bet is to install the command line composer utility and run the update script to freshen all the Drupal 8 code:

php composer.phar update --with-dependencies

Try that first.

spritefully yours
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