
I was making a site using Drupal 7, but had to abandon it for something else. Now I'm willing to give Drupal 8 a try, but need help.

I have three content types: endorse, deals, and recommends. Recommends has three nodes.

How do I show those three nodes from the recommend content type on the deals content type using a field on the deals content type writing panel?


VM’s picture

If you aren't writing a module (it doesn't seem that you are and the opening post doesn't include any code) the question is best served in the 'post installation' forum per https://www.drupal.org/node/644164

openbayou’s picture

This question has been moved to the appropriate section.

VM’s picture

Thank you.

sprite’s picture

The form of your question(s) gives the impression that you are trying to accomplish advanced Drupal tasks without a rudimentary understanding of basic Drupal concepts and architecture.

First of all, there isn't any reason why you shouldn't or couldn't be using Drupal 7 to implement whatever you want/need with Drupal. In most ways, Drupal 7 is a more production website ready platform that Drupal 8. In many ways, Drupal 8 remains a beta level platform within which many minor matters still remain to be resolved.

Meanwhile, you haven't actually made it clear what you are trying to accomplish, or why, and certainly not from a Drupal website perspective, or even from a real world business model perspective.

However, from a Drupal perspective, you first need to study the Views module.

You should also study and work with the various "reference" modules, which can be used to implement display of data from one Drupal data component within another. Node type references are in Drupal 8 core. However, in Drupal 7 such references are implemented with the following module:


There are also entity references. As an example, the inline entity form module is the preferred method for referencing a drupal commerce "product" entity with a content node that is being used to present a user display of information about the backend drupal commerce product entity. The inline entity form module makes the drupal commerce product entity's fields appear and function as though they were native fields within the content node displaying the commerce product entity to users.

Meanwhile, none of these answers could possibly truly answer your question(s), because your question is only vaguely formulated, and it appears to be formulated without much understanding of Drupal's architecture.

spritefully yours
Technical assistance provided to the Drupal community on my own time ...
Thank yous appreciated ...

mmjvb’s picture