
I have create a 'form page' with image fields and file field (for videos). Cause it's heavy load (many MBs, around ~120MB for each fill out form) I don't want to send all those info by e-mail. I want it to be saved as a page on a server, but I want an info to be send on email - 'hey there is a new form filled out by user, check it out' or so on.

How to do this in drupal 7? Any ideas?

EDIT: sms info would be nice, I see there are few modules, any idea with one is working out of the box with only few modification?


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Very easy, install the Rules module. There are trigger events for "node creation" on which you can react by adding a "Send email to users" action.

I like cookies!

kerios83’s picture

Thank you! I will try that.