Using the default Drupal search block to get the results in Views

Last updated on
24 March 2017

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I am using Search API in Views with many exposed filters. My client wants a search block in the site's header that shows the results in Views. I only need one filter on the header, not all the others, so I can't use Exposed form in block. Also, when seeing the results, I need all the exposed filters to be shown in top of the results, not in the header. I didn't find a solution in internet, so I write my solution code here. If you know a better solution, please, add it in the comments.

I have created a simple module to solve the problem.


  • Add the search block wherever you want
  • Create a view with Search API. Remember the URL
  • Create a module ( YOUR-MODULE-NAME.module
  • Inside the write:
    description = "Something that you will remember"
    core = 7.x 
  • Copy inside YOUR-MODULE-NAME.module copy the following code


* Implementation of hook_form_alter()
function YOUR-MODULE-NAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if($form_id == 'search_block_form') {
    $form['#submit'][0] = 'YOUR-MODULE-NAME_form_submit';

 * Process a block search form submission.
function YOUR-MODULE-NAME_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $keys = $form_state['values']['search_block_form'];
  // The search form relies on control of the redirect destination for its
  // functionality, so we override any static destination set in the request,
  // for example by drupal_access_denied() or drupal_not_found()
  // (see
  if (isset($_GET['destination'])) {

  // Check to see if the form was submitted empty.
  // If it is empty, display an error message.
  // (This method is used instead of setting #required to TRUE for this field
  // because that results in a confusing error message.  It would say a plain
  // "field is required" because the search keywords field has no title.
  // The error message would also complain about a missing #title field.)
  if ($form_state['values']['search_block_form'] == '') {
    form_set_error('keys', t('Please enter some keywords.'));
  else {
	$form_state['redirect'] = array(
	    'query' => array(
	      'search_api_views_fulltext' => $keys,

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