glazed_helper 8.x-1.5

fix issue with flippypager code throwing notices on new content types

glazed_helper 8.x-1.2

Fix warning with PHP 7.2 count() function
Added permission check to prevent showing Glazed Themesettings toolbar button too liberally
Dependency namespacing in info.yml file

glazed_helper 7.x-1.18

update full screen search to use element-invisible class instead of hidden class to fix issue with search not hiding when assets are missing

glazed_helper 8.x-1.1

update full screen search to use element-invisible class instead of hidden class to fix issue with search not hiding when assets are missing

glazed_helper 8.x-1.0-beta2

Beta 2, now with glazed page design fields, full screen search block, user registration block

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