NB: Drupal 8 only.

Can someone check if my solution is right and point me to any useful blogs on it…
(I'd like to be learn how to do it with Core modules only if at all possible.)

I have two content types and I'm creating a view using a relationship between them.

The idea is to show a page listing events and audio recordings that were made at each event.
(It's almost equivalent to album track listings, if that's easier to understand, but imagine all the albums listed on a single page, not a contextual URL or anything)

'Events' - fields like title, date, venue etc.
'Audio' - description, filename, duration, format etc.

One of the Audio fields (field_audio_event) is an entity reference linking back to the Event content type.

I've setup a Page View - to do this:
- I added the Events fields I wanted
- I added a relationship and picked 'Content using field_audio_event' (Relate each Content with a field_audio_event set to the content.)
- I added the audio fields and set them to use the relationship.

The problem is my view now looked like this…

My first event
23 Dec 2016

Audio file 1, 1:00. MP3

My first event
23 Dec 2016

Audio file 2, 1:00. MP3

My first event
23 Dec 2016

Audio file 3, 1:00. MP3

… i.e. the event is duplicated for each Audio node - what i wanted was:

- all the events on a single page
- BUT the event title/date/venue listed only ONCE per event
- the audio items for that day grouped together underneath - much like an album track listing.

So what I then did, was go to Format, Settings and using Grouping.

One by one, I grouped by the event title, then date, then venue.

In the field settings, I noticed the help text for "Exclude from display' said "Often used to group fields", so I ticked that for each of them.

It now looks how I want it – but is this correct or is there a more efficient way?

Thanks very much,