This is probably going to be a stupid question - but i have done a ton of searching and googeling, and while it shows up results for how to add links to the main navigation menu its not very clear about where you should be storing internal pages. That and im having the issue where when you click the new menu item, rather than displaying the internal page under the menu, it simply jumps to that page.

As an example I have the default "Home" tab, I added a new tab called "Servers". i placed my servers.php file just in the main root directory (again this is probably stupid to do, but i cant find if there is a set place to put custom pages)

i set the link field to "/servers.php"

now when i click the Servers link, rather than displaying the servers page under the link it leaves the main site and shows the servers page, rather than putting the content on the main page under the navigation menu...

I'm not sure if i have just missed something fundamental, or if the way the Navigation menu is supposed to work is just different to what i expected.

Im running Drupal 8

Thanks in advance.


TempestKitty’s picture

I did not realise you can add it from the add content option..

Though would still like to know if there is a place i should be putting custom php pages and it still changes to the full php page rather than putting it under the navigation menu, so i guess im back to square one.