For one use case I have a BEF filter on taxonomy terms which works perfectly - the terms are listed with a checkbox.

I also need to use BEF to list a related content type as a checkbox filter. There is an entity reference between the two content types Policy and Agency (allows more than one agency for a policy). The policy content type has checkbox selected for agency edit widget. If I enable "Render Views filters as select list ", the agency filter is available as "default select list". It works but I would by far prefer to see a list of checkboxes just like the filter offeres when it's a taxonomy list. Do I need to change the config of BEF on this view, or change the settings in the content type? Or, is this just not possible with BEF? Since adding an agency to a policy presents a checkbox UI, shouldn't the filter also be exposed as a checkbox?


VM’s picture

pengi’s picture

Oh, I apologize. I had thought that I posted that in another venue and not here.