Ctools modal is wisely used by many modules and its theme is quite ugly. I have investigated into this and found some code which may help to make this possible.

 * ctools/js/modal.js, line 32-56
    var defaults = {
      modalTheme: 'CToolsModalDialog',
      throbberTheme: 'CToolsModalThrobber',
      animation: 'show',
      animationSpeed: 'fast',
      modalSize: {
        type: 'scale',
        width: .8,
        height: .8,
        addWidth: 0,
        addHeight: 0,
        // How much to remove from the inner content to make space for the
        // theming.
        contentRight: 25,
        contentBottom: 45
      modalOptions: {
        opacity: .55,
        background: '#fff'
      modalClass: 'default'

    var settings = {};
    $.extend(true, settings, defaults, Drupal.settings.CToolsModal, opts);
 * ctools/includes/modal.inc, line 48-65
  $settings = array(
    'CToolsModal' => array(
      'loadingText' => t('Loading...'),
      'closeText' => t('Close Window'),
      'closeImage' => theme('image', array(
        'path' => ctools_image_path('icon-close-window.png'),
        'title' => t('Close window'),
        'alt' => t('Close window'),
      'throbber' => theme('image', array(
          'path' => ctools_image_path('throbber.gif'),
          'title' => t('Loading...'),
          'alt' => t('Loading'),

  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');

Please let me know if you think it is a good idea.


jimmyko created an issue. See original summary.

jimmyko’s picture

Version: 8.x-1.x-dev » 7.x-1.x-dev