Hi! I have another question. (Thanks for dealing with my bombardment.)

Right now, I have nods displaying in a view. It appears as a list of articles. That's great. That's what I want. However, I'd like to add a block at the side of the page which gives me controls to manipulate that view. I'd like to put a search box in there, allow me to add checkboxes to sort by variables I've added to the node, taxonomies, ascending to descending, rating, etc, and I'd like it to update using Ajax, or something that can make the view change it's display without reloading the page.

Is there a module which can do this? Is this standard Drupal functionality? I haven't figured this one out yet. :/ Any advice would be much appreciated!

(Oh, and for the record, I'm really active asking questions on these forums because I'm new, I'm building multiple Drupal sites, and they're all very involved.)



Anonymous’s picture

Yes, Ajax is built in to views. Enable it at Advanced > Other in the third column of the view configuration page.

fejn’s picture

You could Use an Exposed filter in Views to allow the user to Select an element from your Taxonomy to filter by. For testing the concept, a select box is what you get out of the box with Views, but you can use Better Exposed Filters module to give you better looking options (like radio buttons, etc).

fejn’s picture

I forgot -- remember to set the 'Use AJAX' option to YES in the 3rd column of options for Views, or Exposed filters don't work.

sprite’s picture

You can put View modification UI controls right into the your page by using "exposed filters" in your View's setup.

Edit the settings in the "filter criteria" section of the View to implement such features.

There are also various modules that implement exactly the sorts of UI features and control that you want.

For example look at:


and other similar modules available for exposing filters and enabling site visitors to control Views from the UI.

(Here is a search that retrieves some of the additional modules)

spritefully yours
Technical assistance provided to the Drupal community on my own time ...
Thank yous appreciated ...

bdparker’s picture

Ok, thank you everyone for your comments! I'm trying it out and it seems to work.

But another part of my question is putting these filters off to the side, like into a sidebar or block or something. Am I able to do that using a module?


Anonymous’s picture

That can be set in Advanced > Exposed Form > Exposed form in block