Hi everyone!

I am still a bit new to Drupal, and I have a task I don't really know how to approach yet with my current knowledge of D8.

So I have a content type A. One A has a relation to many B content types. Each B has one image field. Additionally, there are content types C and D (unrelated), where also each node has one image.

For the elements of A, I built a view showing them in a list with a custom view mode. Now whenever I click on the picture of one of those A nodes, drupal leads me to another view mode showing the field of this A node.

But actually, I need some view a bit more complex than simply a view of this A nodes fields. Actually, I'm not 100% sure that this can (or should be) done with a view to be honest.

What I need is: For a given A, something showing me a grid of the images of all the B nodes connected to this A. But for some elements in the grid (based on some fixed value, e.g every 4 images), there should be an image of a C node inserted (the C node is randomly selected out of a set of Cs - all the Cs matching a certain condition). And, if this wasn't enough, also every e.g 4 rows in this grid (alternatively counted as every 10th grid image of B/Cs), a whole row of the grid should show the image of a D node (also a random one from a set of D nodes matching a certain condition).

The C and D nodes do not have a connection to the A or B nodes in general. The conditions by which it should be decided if they are suitable for random selection is, if the current date is within a date range they define (start and end date).

By now, you probably see why I am a bit over my head, deciding what the best approach to this is, given my experience with the various modules available for D8 is yet limited.

I really hope someone can enlighten me.