I believe there is something wrong with this function:

function _platon_inject_css_override() {
if ($file = _platon_get_css_override_file()) {
$realpath = drupal_realpath($file->uri);
$path = str_replace(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).'/','',$realpath);
drupal_add_css($path, array('group' => CSS_THEME));

It gives me the following URL on a patheon server:
@import url("/srv/bindings/8e90475429394ff6af2fb82a7a35a008/files/de47a7da46f6c91c071cbecb62bb4ff65800163a0fc49_platon_override.css?of0drn");

Any ideas?


i.bajrai created an issue. See original summary.

Christinelle’s picture


got the same issue, the path to css override file is wrong.
Did you find a solution ?


summerg’s picture

I changed line 877 from:

drupal_add_css($path, array('group' => CSS_THEME));


drupal_add_css($file->uri, array('group' => CSS_THEME));

to solve it. I suspect they have moved onto D8, but maybe this will help someone.

apaderno’s picture

Title: CSS override does not inject because the file path is wrong. » CSS override does not inject because the file path is wrong
Version: 7.x-3.14 » 7.x-3.x-dev

Why would a path like /srv/bindings/8e90475429394ff6af2fb82a7a35a008/files/de47a7da46f6c91c071cbecb62bb4ff65800163a0fc49_platon_override.css?of0drn be wrong? Does the /srv/bindings/8e90475429394ff6af2fb82a7a35a008/files/de47a7da46f6c91c071cbecb62bb4ff65800163a0fc49_platon_override.css exist?