Processing Incoming Messages

Last updated on
11 June 2017

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Gateways that support two-way messaging can pass incoming messages to the SMS Framework where other modules can process them using

hook_sms_incoming($op, $number, $message, $options).

  • $op has three possible values: 'pre process', 'process', and 'post process'
  • $number is the number from which the message originated.
  • $message is the text of the message.
  • $options is an optional array of extended attributes for the message.

Here is an example from the SMS User module which logs a user in based on their mobile number:

function sms_user_sms_incoming($op, $number, $message, $options) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'pre process':
    case 'post process':

Message parsing should occur during the 'process' $op in most cases. Here is an example of how regular expressions can be used to parse incoming messages. This code will create a new node from incoming message.

An example message would look like this:

tags:23,35 This is the text of the message

A node will be created with the text and tagged with taxonomy terms 23 and 35.

function mymodule_sms_incoming($op, $number, $message, $options) {
  global $user;
  if ($op == 'process') {
    $message = strtolower($message);
    $matches = array();
    if (preg_match('/tags:([\d,]+?)+ (.+)/', $message, $matches)) {
      $terms = explode(',', $matches[1]);

      foreach ($terms as $tid) {
        if ($term = taxonomy_get_term($tid)) {
          $taxonomy[$tid] = $term;

      $node = new StdClass();
      $node->title = truncate_utf8($message, 32, TRUE) . '...';
      $node->body = $matches[2];
      $node->teaser = node_teaser($node->body, isset($node->format) ? $node->format : NULL);
      $node->type = 'story';
      $node->taxonomy = $taxonomy;

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