
In D6 and D8 i had a way that a user could edit some things in his user profile. E.g. he coudl change his password and other fields. Now I see only the data, mut he can't change if. Which link to his user-profile is to change things?

Whe in click on My account, i couldn't edit my data.. It goes to the contact page... : http://genealogie.hcc.nl/index.php/%20users/adminfred/contact . What's the link to the dit page? Or must i do some other setteings?



VM’s picture

I'd check the token module for a token that would allow a menu item to link to user/currently_logged_in_user_token/edit

baltusf’s picture

How do you mean?
I tryed /user/[current-user:uid]/edit but that does not work.

Oh..... I see it... I have to use the module menu token..... I guess
