After install varnish module in D7 where cache data will be store? Please help!


VM’s picture

IIRC in RAM. varnish documentation should aid @

You did install varnish in your environment yes? ie: not just the drupal module.

mahapatra.tusar’s picture

How to install vernish service to Windows 7/8? I have already install vernish module.

cisaksen’s picture

Varnish Cache - open source web caching service.

You need this installed/configured in order to use the varnish cache module in drupal.

mahapatra.tusar’s picture

Here all of for LINUX. My environment - Win 7, XAMPP used for Apache, mysql

cisaksen’s picture

If you are strictly a windows setup then you won't be able to use varnish cache, which means you can't use the varnish module. You will have to use another caching method - Drupal does having caching built in - just not as good as varnish.