Hi, I'm trying to modify the layout of each article in the article list page.

{% include directory ~'/partials/header.html.twig' %}
{{ kint() }}
<div class="container">
  <main role="main">
    <a id="main-content" tabindex="-1"></a>{# link is in html.html.twig #}

    <div class="layout-content">
      <div class="article-list">
        {{ page.content }}
    </div>{# /.layout-content #}

    {% if page.sidebar %}
      <aside class="layout-sidebar-first" role="complementary">
        {{ page.sidebar }}
        {{ page.latest_movies }}
    {% endif %}


</div>{# /.layout-container #}

{% include directory ~'/partials/footer.html.twig' %}

The thing is, in my view I'm showing FIELDS, and I would like to have two separate columns for each article row (by having two divs, one for the image and one for the rest of fields).

Is there a way to format the single article in this view?
