Hi is there any module like lexicon or glossary for Drupal 8? I want to have hovertips over some words with a explanation of the word.

Thanks for help!



VM’s picture

For D8 I'd look to implement something like https://jqueryui.com/tooltip/

D8 already utilizes toolstips via https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21assets%21vendor%21jquery.ui%21t...

vgutekunst’s picture

Yeah that looks good, but what i need is an module which check my text if keywords are present if yes -> tooltip the describtion

I think there is nothing for D8 so far ;-/

VM’s picture

What was provided was for you to write your own module. If you cannot put forth that effort (lack of skillset/time etc), then you are indeed waiting for someone else to out for the effort.