
I apologize if I use some incorrect terminology here- I am learning Entity API and the Forms API.

I am developing a module that will include a custom entity type (non fieldable), a view, and a public form that will write entities into the database.

So far, I have a working module with the schema for two tables (base table and a history table that will store some history events related to the data (not revisions), I have invoked the Entity API and Views Controller, and created a view using some data in the table.

I have my Entity API overview as well as an "add" page. I would like to use the view I created as the overview page for Entity API, rather than the default page. I would like to keep the form that I created for the entity type intact, since it works fine for managing the data. I am thinking that I would add the links under an "Operations" column for managing the data. (Thinking Webform module)

I am looking to do this according to Drupal best practices, and that's why I am asking the question here. Would I be better off to implement the view as the overview page or give up using the Entity API UI and build my own form for add/update/delete?

Thank you in advance!


rbox’s picture

I decided to scrap the entity API UI and build the forms. Thanks anyway.