Hi to all,
I'm trying to make a simple thing, but it's seems to be not simple.
I tried everithing I could thing of, I searched the internet, nothing.
The problem:
I have three roles, actor, author and singer.
Each role has corresponding profile2 type.
So, I created profile2 types (actor, author and singer).
I authorized roles(actor,author,singer) to edit own profile2 types.
I installed multistep registration and I assigned:
BaseData (FirstName, LastName etc) on first step, associated to BaseData profile2 type.
On second step, I assigned: Profile2 actor, Profile2 author, Profile2 singer.
Now, during first step, one can choose roles (I'm using role field).
Depending on role, he can modify only profile2 type associated, he cannot create profile2 types if he doesn't choose the role.
I removed login toboggan and now multistep works fine.
I can set username, password, lastname, firstname, birthday and all roles I want.
Click next
Now drupal displays second steps, but, even if I don't choose actor role, it presents profile2 actor type... This is wrong!
On profile2 documentation I must set an field user uid, but I don't have this field on my fields list!
HELP PLEASE, I'm going crazy!