
Privatemsg module shows messages list at domain.com/messages

I need this list to be shown on the home page URL - domain.com

Thank you


VM’s picture

you can change the path to the front page to point to messages. Else, if the module in question integrates with views.module generate your own block.

trk_’s picture

Where to change this path?

I have no this path/URL at /admin/config/search/path
If I add a new one - /messages to <front> - then it does not work.

It does not integrates with Views module how I can understand.

Thank you

VM’s picture


admin/config/system/site-information - Default front page

trk_’s picture

It does not help.
The messages page does not show up at the front page.

VM’s picture

I don't see any reason it shouldn't beyond user error. Please state the exact path you included in the default front page field.

trk_’s picture

I. e. http://domain.com/messages
But it does not displayed on the front page.
Also it disapears from http://domain.com/messages

VM’s picture

is your theme in any way overriding the default front page? A link to the site would aid.

trk_’s picture

Thank you!

I am sorry for delay.

You are right, this problem has happened because of the Front Page module was enabled and overriding the default front page.

Thank you for help!