
I have a pdf file. I like to have an opt-in block which will allow people to enter email address and then click download. PDF file should be downloaded to their machine. Please advise.


mikebrooks’s picture

Use the Webform module https://www.drupal.org/project/webform to collect the email address. You can configure the form to be exposed as a block.

In the Webform module configuration, you can indicate a page to redirect the user upon form submission. In this page, include the download link.

drupalfriend123’s picture

Thank you. I got everything except the download part "In this page, include the download link.". How can I have a link that will download the file?

mikebrooks’s picture

It is not clear to me the step(s) that you are having a problem with.

In summary, I would:

Create a new page node.

In the Body of the page, include the hyperlink to the PDF, e.g. <a href="http://www.example.com/sites/default/files/mypdf.pdf">Download my PDF!</a>

In the <a></a> tag, you can include the target="_blank" attribute to force the PDF to open (or download) from a new tab. (How the PDF will open is browser dependent and/or subject to the user's browser preference settings.)

If you want to force the PDF to download, i.e. open a 'save as' dialog box, try putting the following line in the .htaccess file of the docroot:

# Set PDF files to download, rather than open in the browser.
AddType application/octet-stream .pdf
drupalfriend123’s picture

Thank you. That is what I needed.

DenisVS’s picture

Will the new page be unavailable for a direct link?