I'm new to Drupal and building my first site. I'd like to add a page with an image grid (company logos) that are all in gray scale and saturate when hovering over them. When clicking on them, i want the company's site to open (but that's just a matter of adding a link, right?)
So far, I've installed this module, but have no idea how to use it. I also don't know how to create a page with an image grid.



VM’s picture

If this is a one off you can use image sprites and CSS. You can use a node, or a block and utilize FULL HTML to display the images in a grid.

otherwise, if the images are being uploaded into an image field on a content type, then you can indeed utilize https://www.drupal.org/project/image_desaturate_formatter and pull the images into a list with a view.

If all of this sounds foreign to you, I highly suggest pulling the keywords and using google to better understand drupal, how it works, and the technologies that drive it.