I have set up drupal on main.domain.com and I have installed domain access module. Then I tried to login and create another subdomain using domain access module sub1.domain.com. I also created a user and associated the user to sub1.domain.com.

In my DNS record I have set up a wild card entry *.domain.com, so that I can created as many subdomains.

So here how can this user login to his site. I tried

sub1.domain.com/?q=user but nothing happens..


dev18.addweb’s picture

First of all you need to check weather your domain access module is installed correctly.

if you are getting error message like below then not installed properly
"Domain access failed to load during phase: bootstrap include. Please check your settings.php file and site configuration."

To solve this:
1. Add following line of code in settings.php flie at bottom of the page
include DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/all/modules/domain/settings.inc';
2. Create new subdomain at admin/structure/domain/create and set domain field to "sub1.domain.com"
3. Update your host file to add following line (in ubuntu its located at etc folder) sub1.domain.com

Now check your subdomain links. You will now be able to access user page as well.

If this doesnot work, check "Recent logs" from "Status" for any errors related to domain access.
