I have created a new content type, and all of a sudden I can not upload any images to my site. It is a local server so disk space is not an issue.

The error is "The file could not be saved because the upload did not complete.
File upload error. Could not move uploaded file.
This value should not be null."

It is drupal 8.1.8

I have changed the temp directory to a place that www-data has full read and write permissions, as well as changing the files folder to 777, none of which seem to fix the issue.

There isn't even any apache errors that are being thrown, the only error is in drupal logs and on the page


nournaji’s picture

Hi @mitchellharvey97, I have the same issue do you have any updates ? I spend 5 days trying to solve it.

jeye’s picture


Did you happen to have any luck with fixing this? I am having the same exact error on drupal 8 in Windows IIS.

cmoeser’s picture

I had the same issue. Was a php settings issue. I set 'upload_tmp_dir' in the php.ini file and it was resolved.

nournaji’s picture

plese, what was the value that you as upload_tmp_dir?

cmoeser’s picture

upload_tmp_dir = C:\tmp

mmjvb’s picture

the only requirement is that the folder is writable by the webserver. In addition advice to set it in php.ini explicitly, otherwise it uses the OS setting which might not be writable by webserver. On XAMPP it is set to the same as used for PHP sessions (XAMPP/tmp).