I have recently installed Drupal 6 and have been learning alot about it. I was getting ready for dinner and so I took a break from testing my site and put it in offline mode. When I came back I was unable to access the admin panel. When I type in the url.com/?q=admin it just takes me to the site off line page. Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you,


yelvington’s picture

You're logged out. Read the FAQ.

hollybeary’s picture

try url.com/?q=user instead of admin. Make sure you log in as the super admin (first account created when you installed the site)

mohit_php’s picture

use "url.com/index.php?q=admin" instead of "url.com/?q=admin"

i guaranteed it will definitely work

jweberg’s picture

Thanks. All set. I must have missed that the first time through the handbook and faqs.

Paris2020’s picture

I used you method, I'm new to Drupal and am trying to access my admin panel locally. Do you perhaps have a solution for that?