last week , hackers have hacked my site. They have used this path scheme:

Which then leads to this data manager:
MaDo[O]oS File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By MaDo[O]oS

Can you somehow correct , delete , etc?


Frank HH-germany created an issue. See original summary.

Cameron Tod’s picture

Title: Hacker hacks Drupal over this way » SQL Injection compromise on Drupal 7.50 site

It will be difficult to get direct support for your site through this issue queue, but it will be reviewed to ensure that it's not a as-yet-unidentified vulnerability.

To get your own site fixed, try one of the providers in https://www.drupal.org/drupal-services or ask in IRC (#drupal-support).

Frank HH-germany’s picture

Hi Cameron,
After the attack, I have update the Core, rebuilt the server structure and prevent show errors , so that the attacker does not have again so easily .

I have open a new issue on https://www.drupal.org/node/2780245. Is this right?

How can i delete this Manager? "MaDo[O]oS File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By MaDo[O]oS"

Fristaila’s picture

try delete files of manager, grep it in terminal by words for example:
grep -rn "MaDo[O]oS"
in repository of your site

stefan.r’s picture

Category: Bug report » Support request
Frank HH-germany’s picture

Hi Fristalia,
is "MaDo[O]os" in the Dupalcore or in the Linuxserversystem or in the Apache?

I have this question , because I have a managed server and in case 2 and 3, the server administrator must then take care of it.

in Drupal root directory I could not find anything anyway.


MustangGB’s picture

Priority: Critical » Normal

Support requests aren't critical.

Version: 7.5 » 7.x-dev

Core issues are now filed against the dev versions where changes will be made. Document the specific release you are using in your issue comment. More information about choosing a version.