I see there is a Blog module for D8 that was laast modified in April 2016.

I need the blog feature. My concern is if I use that module, at some point, it will no longer be maintained.

What should I use for blogs?

Frankly, I believe the blog feature should be in core.



mansigajjar’s picture


I would suggest you to use Drupal Core Content Type feature for Blog management. You could manage it around Drupal 8 as describe below:

Ex. The Blog content type will have four fields: Body, Image, Tags and Category.

1) Go to Structure > Content types and click "Add content type".
2) Enter "Blog" into the Name field and enter the Description in Description field.
3) Click on "Save and manage fields".

Adding Fields
Once you've created a content type, you'll be redirected to the "Manage fields" page where you can create new fields and edit existing ones.When a new content type's created Drupal will add a Body field. This is default functionality, if you don't want to use the field simply delete it.

1) From the "Manage fields" page click on "Add field".
2) From the "Add a new field" drop-down, select "Image",Enter Image into label and click on "Save and continue".
3) Leave the field settings as is for now and click on "Save settings".
4) Now repeat the above steps(1,2,3) to add the Tags field. Click on "Add field", select "Entity reference: field_tags" from "Re-use an existing field" and click on "Save and continue".
In the "Reference type" field-set, check Tags and "Create referenced entities if they don't already exist" under Vocabularies and click on "Save settings".

Create Category Vocabulary
1) Click on Structure, Taxonomy and click on "Add vocabulary".
2) Enter "Category" as the Name and Description in Description field, then click on Save.
3) Enter a few category items by clicking on "Add term".
Once the vocabulary has been created,jump back to the "Manage fields" page and create the Category field.

Create Category Field
1) Go to Structure > Content types and click on "Manage fields" on the Blog row. Then click on "Add field".
2) From the "Add a new field" drop-down, select "Taxonomy term". Enter Category into Name and click on "Save and continue".
3) On the "Fields settings" page, leave "Allowed number of values" limited to 1. We only want to allow a single category to be selected on a blog post. Then click on "Save field settings".
4) In the "Reference type" field-set, select Category under Vocabularies and click on "Save settings".

Configure Category Widget
1) Click on the "Manage form display" tab, then change the widget to "Select list". Scroll to the bottom then click on Save.

Create Blog Post
Now go to Content, "Add content" and click on Blog. Fill out the form and click on "Save and publish".

Michelle’s picture

There was a blog module in core. It was taken out as there are much better and more flexible ways of doing it without using a dedicated module. @mansigajjar gave you a great explanation on how to do it.

drupert55’s picture

Thanks for both replies.

Referencing the post "Remove blog module from core https://www.drupal.org/node/233301", the difference from what I believe I read was that the Blog module was a multi-user blog and using the '...creating the blog content type...' procedure was for a single user. I need a multi-user feature.

Feedback on how to accomplish that or clarification of the procedure, please?


peterjlord’s picture

It looks like its in contrib https://www.drupal.org/project/blog unfortunately it's in develop but that will be the one to use.

I've not used so can't comment how stable it is.

swayzilla’s picture

I came across the same issue when I started using Drupal last month. I have been assigned to make the blog for our office, using Drupal. However, I quickly learned that the Blog module was taken out of Drupal core. But not using it has caused me to have a lot of flexibility with my content.

Views is now included in Drupal 8 core, and that's basically all you need for an effective Blog. I used adaptive and pixture reloaded for my theme, and then views to assign articles to certain sections of the website using taxonomy. The sections are assigned on the front page, and a user can click on a section such as "Career Development", and find all articles related to that topic on that page. With views, I also created blocks to show recent content on the front page, as well as a staff listing.

Additionally, I found that the module Paragraphs, gives your content editors, or anyone using your blog to write articles, complete editing power on how they want their article to look.

The only issue I am having right now is how to include an option for my editors to choose a different font style (tahoma, arial, garamond, etc.) so that they can customize their articles even more. The only option I have seemed to come across is that I may need to learn more about css in order to include it. However, I am still a newby and only learned Drupal last month, so I'm slowly sifting through the forums to find an answer.