This really needs to happen.

I've been to Drupal Gov Con two years in a row and presented this year, but there isn't a place for me to list that on I also helped with training and participated in the Ask an Expert area at Drupal Gov Con.

Drupal Gov Con has become a fairly large event. The session I presented had 150 people in it. It's only going to get bigger and bigger.

My company, Mobomo, pours a lot of resources into this event because we do a ton of Gov work like NASA, USGS, FDIC, etc etc. The sessions are really really good and there are a ton of developers there.

Please add this to the Drupal Events under user's accounts.



VM’s picture

This should be generated as an issue in the issue queue. It's not likely to be seen by those who can generate the feature.

webiletechnologies’s picture

It’s great that Drupal 8 has proper configuration management built into core. This provides a consistent framework, storage, and API for all configuration settings: views, content types, fields… anything that isn’t content. However, CMI doesn’t provide any way to organize this vast amount of configuration. If you use CMI to export your site config you’ll see dozens of *.yml files. That’s great for deploying the entire site config to another site, but what if you want to organize these files in some way? That’s what the Features module will help you do.

BingDev’s picture

Good for you, I'm sure that your company will grow up!