
Seems that I have updated my theme too fast...

Using Context, I have a page with a GPanel (4X25) for logged in users. But the GPanels does not show up.

In Context, I can see all "AT Four column 4x25" sections.

In appearance/settings/my_theme I can read : Your theme currently uses these Gpanels:

One column
AT Four column 4x25

In my_theme.info file I have :

;----------// Gpanel Regions

  ; If you are using Gpanels copy and paste the region definitions here. You
  ; will find them in each layout PHP file in adaptivetheme/layouts/gpanels
  ; 4 col
regions[four_first]  = AT Four column 4x25 - 1
regions[four_second] = AT Four column 4x25 - 2
regions[four_third]  = AT Four column 4x25 - 3
regions[four_fourth] = AT Four column 4x25 - 4

  ; 1 col
regions[one_main] = AT One column

In themes/adaptivetheme/at_core/templates page.tpl.php I have :

    <!-- !Tertiary Content Region -->
    <?php print render($page['tertiary_content']); ?>
        <?php if (
  $page['four_first'] ||
  $page['four_second'] ||
  $page['four_third'] ||
  ): ?>
  <!-- Four column Gpanel -->
  <div class="at-panel gpanel panel-display four-4x25 clearfix">
    <div class="panel-row row-1 clearfix">
      <?php print render($page['four_first']); ?>
      <?php print render($page['four_second']); ?>
    <div class="panel-row row-2 clearfix">
      <?php print render($page['four_third']); ?>
      <?php print render($page['four_fourth']); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
        <?php print render($page['one_main']); ?>

    <!-- !Footer -->
    <?php if ($pa...

I'm missing something...



Québec created an issue.