Drupal theme - Flat Zymphonies Theme, I have one problem with this theme, it is impossible to switch to mobile resposnive in mobile devices/view. Responsive works good when you change a width in browser but after switch to mobile toggle return to normal no responsive style. There is a live demo of this theme.

Any ideas to fix it?


kazaa’s picture

Unfortunately developer is no interested in following issues to improve. I sent to zymphonies a few mails, they didn't answer :/

Jeff Burnz’s picture

That is most likely because developers, like me, get loads of email from people asking questions, however the way to get help from the the community that uses that theme is to us the issue queue - don't send email to module and theme developers, this is not going to work. I have even turned my contact form off on Drupal.org due to the endless emails asking for help.

kazaa’s picture

You have right, but there is a few other issues with 6 months period without solution so I think the developer don't want support this theme and I must do on my own...

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Hmmm, yes, well if they are not supporting the theme they should loose the project to someone else who will. I'd say they are cutting their losses, the theme only has ~500 users so they're not seeing that as commercially viable to provide support for.

kazaa’s picture

but for this day there is no solution and I need revise this theme, this is important for me... so please give adequate answer for topic

Anonymous’s picture

I had the same problem but found the solution in the temlate.php file. The developer made a mistake by referencing the wrong template in the file. On line 99 of the template.php file, change "medical_page_alter" to "flat_zymphonies_theme_page_alter".