
I am quite new to dupal and I want to improve my website made of a homepage and a webform, and users are grouped with a taxonomy.

My aim is to add other webforms, to assign one or more to each group of users and to display links to allowed webforms (filtered by user/group) on homepage.

I already made a webform list withs views but I an not able to filter by user group.

Is anyone can help me?



sunilajmani’s picture

If guess you are using webform module. Webform created are nothing just nodes. You can use nodeaccess module to provide access to each role based of user role.


deadeye57’s picture

Thank you very much!
It was exactly what I needed!
I combined that with views node access and I can manage everything I need.

It was not exactly what it was asked to me in term of ease of use but it does the trick!